Happy Zombie Cupcake Cookies

I would like to welcome Lorraine of Lorraine’s Cookies for joining us today for another “Write with Me” post. I LOVED her Pumpkin non-dairy Ice cream recipe and this post looks just as fun! ~~~~ Hi everyone I’m Lorraine of Lorraine’s Cookies! Today I wanted to share this adorable little cookie I made. I wasContinue reading “Happy Zombie Cupcake Cookies”

Franken Bites {{Free Printable}}

I made some super fun chocolate covered pretzels that look like Frankenstein last week. I knew that they could also be made into a fun favor type of treat so I thought to make a free printable to go along with them for those of you that are into that type of thing…… like me.Continue reading “Franken Bites {{Free Printable}}”

Pumpkin Non-Dairy Ice Cream

I am so very excited that very talented and sweet Lorraine of Lorraine’s Cookies has decided to come on over to be part of this weeks “Write With Me” session. She is sharing a seasonally inspired dairy free dessert, which I cannot wait to try this myself!!! ~~~~~ Hi everyone!!! I am Lorraine of Lorraine’s Cookies.Continue reading “Pumpkin Non-Dairy Ice Cream”

Frankenstein Pretzel Bites

If you love the combo of salty and sweet and ALSO love fun Halloween inspired treats. Then this is the Halloween inspired treat for you! But if you don’t like any of those things mentioned above and actually hate all three. Then please accept my sincerest apologies and I’ll try to do better in theContinue reading “Frankenstein Pretzel Bites”

Cannoli Dip

We celebrated my baby boys first birthday day this past weekend. I can’t even believe a whole year has gone by…I am beginning to believe that once you have kids time seems to speed up!!It was a wonderful day filled with a lot of family and good friends as we celebrated the awesomeness that isContinue reading “Cannoli Dip”

Easy Mummy Cupcakes for Halloween

I know, I know I’m killing you all with the pre-Halloween posts, but blogging about fun foods and treats does that to you. You start anticipating holidays as early if not more than Walmart! My brain is now just accustomed to working that way now. It’s taking all I can not to start Christmas foodContinue reading “Easy Mummy Cupcakes for Halloween”

Easy Baked Eggs in Ham Cups.

I love being in the kitchen and when it comes to baked goods I am a super fast whiz. I can get things done, easy , effortlessly and more importantly fast. But when it comes to making breakfast on the weekends, I feel as though I get sucked into some time warp as I loseContinue reading “Easy Baked Eggs in Ham Cups.”

Sweet Pumpkin Delight Dip

My two older children started pre-school last week, which means I have actually have had the opportunity to hear my thoughts uninterrupted. It has also allowed me to know that there is an end in sight, since I have been knee deep in diapers and babies over the past few years. Every day I haveContinue reading “Sweet Pumpkin Delight Dip”

White Chocolate Mummy Candy Apples

This Halloween season (Yes I know it seems early but it’s not, the craft stores already have Christmas stuff out so I’m allowed!) I am all about Mummy’s, I’m not really sure as to why. But it seems that everything that pops in my mind relates to some sort of fun Halloween inspired Mummy craft.Continue reading “White Chocolate Mummy Candy Apples”