Valentine’s Day Miniature Candy Bar Wrappers

Print your favorite Valentine’s Day themed wrappers to dress up you holiday treats! If you are going to print these on labels use Avery (or knock off brand) use multi labels #5440. Be sure to change your printers paper size to 4×6 or they won’t print properly. Cheveron Labels  Mini Heart Labels Conversation Heart Labels IfContinue reading “Valentine’s Day Miniature Candy Bar Wrappers”

Homemade Valentine’s Gummi Pops

Remember when I made {{these}} for Halloween???? Homemade, easy, fun AND really kid friendly. So friendly that I make these for my kidoddles more than I care to admit. Yup, homemade gummi pops, but for this post specifically Valentine’s day gummi pops. These are great for little gifts for V-day or just snacks for little people playContinue reading “Homemade Valentine’s Gummi Pops”

Valentine’s Day “Love” Muffin Wrappers

In a little more then a month guess what will be happening???? Valentine’s Day!!! Which means a whole bunch of Valentine’s day inspired posts about this famed day of love. Excited yet????? For me its a day of celebrating the good fortune of the love of my husband and children and of course treats of someContinue reading “Valentine’s Day “Love” Muffin Wrappers”