Homemade Shamrock Gummi Pops {{St. Patrick’s Day}}

If you have been following along, then you probably knew that these homemade gummi pops would happen and will happen again and again and probably again before I’m ready to retire these little treats. When I told you my kids love these, there was no exaggeration involved. They seriously stalk the kitchen repeatedly asking over and over andContinue reading “Homemade Shamrock Gummi Pops {{St. Patrick’s Day}}”

Homemade Valentine’s Gummi Pops

Remember when I made {{these}} for Halloween???? Homemade, easy, fun AND really kid friendly. So friendly that I make these for my kidoddles more than I care to admit. Yup, homemade gummi pops, but for this post specifically Valentine’s day gummi pops. These are great for little gifts for V-day or just snacks for little people playContinue reading “Homemade Valentine’s Gummi Pops”