Frankenstein Frozen Yogurt Bites

If you know me I’m all about doing the same thing in fifty different ways. It keeps me occupied and my kids entertained. Which is a win win for every one. These are a simple and fun way to add a little Halloween holiday fun in to your kids snack time! Frankenstein frozen yogurt bites.Continue reading “Frankenstein Frozen Yogurt Bites”

Pumpkin Patch Tombstone Cookies

With my two older kids in school for 2 1/2 hours per day, I have been getting a little more time to myself. This is good as I am able to actually extract some of the creative ideas racing through my mind , instead of hoping that one day I might find the time to makeContinue reading “Pumpkin Patch Tombstone Cookies”

Boo Bites by Tami Rena’s Cookies

This weeks “”Write With Me” guest is none other then the super talented Tami from Tami Renā’s Cookies. Join in on the fun this week as she shows us how to make some adorable Halloween themed treats AND a fabulous free printable to go along with it!! ~~~~ Hi everyone! I’m Tami from Tami Renā’s Cookies.Continue reading “Boo Bites by Tami Rena’s Cookies”

Frankenstein Pretzel Bites

If you love the combo of salty and sweet and ALSO love fun Halloween inspired treats. Then this is the Halloween inspired treat for you! But if you don’t like any of those things mentioned above and actually hate all three. Then please accept my sincerest apologies and I’ll try to do better in theContinue reading “Frankenstein Pretzel Bites”

Easy Mummy Cupcakes for Halloween

I know, I know I’m killing you all with the pre-Halloween posts, but blogging about fun foods and treats does that to you. You start anticipating holidays as early if not more than Walmart! My brain is now just accustomed to working that way now. It’s taking all I can not to start Christmas foodContinue reading “Easy Mummy Cupcakes for Halloween”