What Are You Baking On???

When I first started baking at home, I used a regular old baking sheet that can be found at any local grocery store. It did what I needed it to do initially, but as my baking adventures started venturing into different areas, it just didn’t hold up to the standards I was looking for. FastContinue reading “What Are You Baking On???”

Butter Crunch Home Made (DIY) gift

With the holiday season just around the  the corner, I thought I would share some easy edible gifts. This is a great indulgence type of gift perfect for the over indulgent nature of the season. Packed in a mason jar or a small candy box and decorated with a pretty festive ribbon. It’s a niceContinue reading “Butter Crunch Home Made (DIY) gift”

Easy to Peel Hard Boiled Eggs

For the most part due to health issues I eat a grain free diet. It allows me to keep my blood sugar in check and helps me on my path to rediscovering my waistline. ( I know it;s there, it HAS to be!! ) I also know that is somewhat weird considering I write aboutContinue reading “Easy to Peel Hard Boiled Eggs”

Zombie Eyes {{Free Printable}}

Yesterday was one of those days that I realized that it is super  important that grocery stores make a drive thru option. Now to clarify, it wouldn’t be a normal type of drive thru where you would do all your grocery shopping done. It would be exclusively for SAHMs of multiple children that made yetContinue reading “Zombie Eyes {{Free Printable}}”

Zombie Eye Pretzel Bites {{Free Printable}}

  Boost up any Halloween celebration with these fun and free Zombie Eyes Printable. These print out on a standard sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 printing paper and there are six per sheet. All you would need to do is print, cut them out and attach to bags. I used cello bags that measuredContinue reading “Zombie Eye Pretzel Bites {{Free Printable}}”

Fall Fun Giveaway with a Cash Prize of $1200

With the holiday season approaching faster than warp speed on the Enterprise (Star Trek geek here!!) It’s also a time of year where money seems to flow out more than it flows in. My kids are super spoiled so we tend to overspend during this time of year. With the success of the Back toContinue reading “Fall Fun Giveaway with a Cash Prize of $1200”

Frankenstein Frozen Yogurt Bites

If you know me I’m all about doing the same thing in fifty different ways. It keeps me occupied and my kids entertained. Which is a win win for every one. These are a simple and fun way to add a little Halloween holiday fun in to your kids snack time! Frankenstein frozen yogurt bites.Continue reading “Frankenstein Frozen Yogurt Bites”

Pumpkin Patch Tombstone Cookies

With my two older kids in school for 2 1/2 hours per day, I have been getting a little more time to myself. This is good as I am able to actually extract some of the creative ideas racing through my mind , instead of hoping that one day I might find the time to makeContinue reading “Pumpkin Patch Tombstone Cookies”

Boo Bites by Tami Rena’s Cookies

This weeks “”Write With Me” guest is none other then the super talented Tami from Tami Renā’s Cookies. Join in on the fun this week as she shows us how to make some adorable Halloween themed treats AND a fabulous free printable to go along with it!! ~~~~ Hi everyone! I’m Tami from Tami Renā’s Cookies.Continue reading “Boo Bites by Tami Rena’s Cookies”

Purrfectly Simple Halloween Cat Cookies

I‘ve been lucky enough to virtually cross paths with such incredibly talented edible artists all over the world  this weeks “Write with Me” guest is no exception!! Join along in creating with these adorable decorated cookies!! Perfect as favors or treats!!~~~~~~~~~~~Hey sweet friends! I’m Michelle from Make Me Cake Me! I love simple cookie designs that are beginner-friendly andContinue reading “Purrfectly Simple Halloween Cat Cookies”