The New Normal – Day 7 of Self-Quarantine

Corona virus, Covid-19…

Two terms for one virus, that I never in a million years though would be the topic of everything and anything occuring in my daily life or the lives of others, but there it is and here I am.

I’m not even sure why I am writing this or even what to write about. I just know there has been a steady nagging at the edge of my thoughts to start getting all these thoughts swirling in my mind out, which typically results in me writing. As most of the world is already aware, we are in the midst of a globa pandemic.


What in the fuckety, fuck of all things is happening? Like seriously, is this really life right now? Erring on the side of caution, I made the decision to keep my kids home from school as of last Friday. I remember calling the attendance office to report that they would not be attending school that day, nervously laughing informing the woman that answered that “I was being cautiously paranoid.” she responded much in the same way letting me know, “that was quite alright,”

The first I ever even heard of the Corona Virus was back in January, when a friend and I were randomly texting each other about shows on Netflix and I was wondering if they had started to watch Pandemic. It led us to start looking on the World Health Organization website , specifically at the list of diseases and outbreaks in countries. China was listed as having parts of the country quarantined.
We didn’t really pay much mind to that, thinking they got it under control and moved forward with the conversation onto other happenings in our lives that had nothing to do with wha would become the very thing that would effect our own lives in several weeks.

I keep asking myself what am I thinking about this. But before I do that first I think it’s important to state exactly the current state of affairs as they come down the pike. Starting with the first time I really started to realize that this virus, this random thing that was happening to other people in another place , so far from the daily of my own life. Was now here, knocking on my front door to inform me of how my life and the lives of so many others would soon change.

I remeber speaking briefly to my Mother last week around Tuesday or Wednesday, roughly March 10th or 11th, about an upcoming event and if I would be going forward with it due to the Corona Virus. At that point, It was still only something that was happening to other people, somewhere else, so It didn’t faze me to just dismiss the notion that I would be doing anything different than I normally do anytime soon.

But my thinking would soon transform itself into a state of concern as more and more information began to emerge regarding this virus.

On Thursday of last week (March 12, 2020) I received a phone call from someone who informed me that the board of health had stepped in and would begin shutting down many establishments where large groups of people would be gathering in order to try and stop the spread of the corona virus.

I took in this tidbit of information with a sense of indignation, because it felt annoyong, disrupting. I was more concerned that I would not be able to engage in a event that was to happen the follwing weekend This was something that had been carfully crafted and planned over the past year . Feeling frustrated with how things were begining to unravel, I called my Mom, who always seems to be the one I can go to in regards to having a sounding board for my emotions. She has a wonderful ability to help me navigate through the frustration and dissapointments that sometime cloud my ability to think rationally or logicaly about a given situation.

I also called my sister who lives in Broklyn and works in NYC to inform her of the changes and to get her input on what was occuring. I could hear the anxiety that weaved through her words as she told me of the women in her office that were devastated with the news that weddings they had been planning for the past few years would need to be rescheduled to another time sometime in the future, due to the spread if the virus.

This was seven days ago… days and I had no idea of how much would change so rapidly.

On Thursday of last week (March 12, 2020) the Corona Virus was an inconvient idea that I kept hearing about, a topic that began to dominate what I saw on Social media, a subject of converation to be debated about on the news stations. Something people wanted to blame as the fault of others . On Thursday afternoon the Corona Virus was an annoying little blip on the radar of my normal life, but it would be transformed into something else by the time I went to bed that evening.

Overnight a wave of panic had been released into the lives of those in the US. The news was dominated by it, I had spoken to enough people that day, who I trust in that I decided in a span of a few hours that as of Friday March 13, 2020, my kids would not attend school that day. And I would not be sending them back until I had enough information of what the in the actual Fuck was happening.

Today is March 19, 2020 and life as it was once lived has now been postponed. Here are some of the changes that occured in the past 7 days. This is my own account, so I am listings what I became aware of syareted happening locally. There were so many things that transpired in such a short time, that I couldnt include it all.

I’m writing to keep a record for myself. There is info that is not listed, but free to add in the comments and I will update accordingly.
March 13, 2020– Although it’s not the first time its been used, now the term #SocialDistancing is now part of everyday language being encouraged by the news outlets, urged by users of social media and encouraged by most in order to stop the spread of the virus. At this point according to WorldOMeter there are 2247 confirmed cases in the US.
March 13, 2020- School superintendent from our school district send message informing parents of there would be no school Monday the 16th for students. Teachers would still need to attend to discuss how to proceed with what was now occuring. All after school events are cancelled, most outside school activities are now cancelled until further notice. Most parades and other events cancelled.
President Trump declares a National Emergency
March 14, 2020– 2943 confirmed cases in the US
March 15, 2020- County Executive Orders Schools closed for 2 weeks stating March 16-27th.
CDC recommends suspending gatherings of 50 people or more
3680 confirmed cases in the US
March 16, 2020 The Govenor of NY Signs Executive Order to close schools statewide through April 1st. 4663 confirmed US cases. Cumo announced the closing of bars, restaurants (takeout & delivery still allowed) movie theaters and casinos starting at 8 p.m. Monday.
March17, 2020- 6411 confirmed US cases.
March 18, 2020Non essential employees are to now work from home via executive order. People urged to stay home. 9529 confirmed US cases.
March 19, 2020- As of 7:44 pm est there are 13,816 confrimed cases. Within 7 days the numbers went from 2247 to 13,816 and that number is consistantly increasing as more tests are made avaiable.

I’m trying t keep a list of the changes, because my memory doesn’t serve me for the most part, I linked to source if possible, because I’m about facts not lies or spreading of mis-tuth. When this first started, in regards to realizing that this was going to not only change my life, but just about evey person on Earth, I switched to survival mode,

Like most I headed to the crowded foods stores, where I noticed people are still being nice, courteous for the3 most part. But as the days turn into weeks and time goes on, I know that will not be the normal. Shelves are starting to become empty and people are hoarding, while pretending everything is just par for the course, but there is an underlying sense of dread that is enveloping us all, it’s difficult to ignore.

I have had to head out a few times due to having prescriptions to pick up, I was hoping to get them all at one time, but unfortunately some were delayed, so I had to go there three differernt days. Each time, parking lots were emptier, shelves were not restocked, people, myself included have a weird air about them. People are nervous as they should be.

Everyone has an opinion of how this pandedmic has been handles. Some praise the President, some roll their eyes at his incompetance. But for me at this point, as we are about to head into the thick of this all, I just want to be proactive now, for the health and safetly of my family, friends and people in general.

As of last week the biggest issue was that people were not taking this seriously, and why would anyone honestly. The number that were being reported didn’t seem so bad. Until it became general knowledge that there was no way to actually confrim the numbers, because testing was not avaiable or accessible to theose already sick. Most states did not have the tests available so the numbers were grossly under estimated.
It is said that the incubation period is about 2 weeks. Meaning you can be infected and have the potential to infect all the people that you come in contact with, BUT you do not know that you are infected, so go on living your life.

Scary shit, scary times. I’m still in sort of a state of shock and disbelief that something of this magnitude is even occuring, but then there is a deeper, knowing that this is about to get a lot worse before it gets better. I’m doing what I can in order to not fall into that abyss, because there is nothing I can do about all those variables that can’t be controlled.
My kids and I are officially stating home. No playdates, no public spaces. Nothing , with all that can’t be controlled, at least I know that I can prevent the spread, if for somereason we have been unknowingly exposed and infected.

My son has been battling a cold/cough for the past few days. He has no fever and generally is as energetic as usual, but I’m concerned, because no one knows for sure what to really expect. If he presents with a fever at any time, I will take actions to address the situation. But for now, it is what it is. My husband is still working, he is in the constructon industry, so if anything that will be one of the latter to be shut out.

So many scary concerns for what is to come. I hope to be able to write about it, so I have a record of it all.

I f you are reading this, please be well, stay home, practice social distancing, wash yaour hands, don’t touch your face and hope for the best.

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