Shamrock Frozen Yogurt Bites

shamrock frozen yogurt bites recipe

Shamrock Frozen Yogurt  Bites…

Just when I thought I was done with the St. Patrick’s day themed treats, I realized I forgot to add this one. Which is just a simple, fun little recipe that you could make with the kids.  If you have followed along with me, then I’m sure you’ve seen versions of these frozen yogurt bites. I make them all the time for my kids and figured why not make one more version.

These are super easy to make and you probably have all the ingredients on hand already! It’s really not much, so I’m not sure if this even qualifies as a recipe at all or more of something to do with the kids, that won’t make you insane in the process..

This is what you need…

  • Yogurt ( I used Greek yogurt)
  • Green food dye
  • Wax paper
  • Plastic Baggie or decorating bag

Let me first say that personally I like to use Greek yogurt. I am a huge fan of the thick, creamy consistency and the protein content is also a bonus. My favorite brand is FAGE, if you have never tried, please do. SO CREAMY!

I also use the plain yogurt and flavor it with a sweetener of choice, like honey. I try to keep it as close to natural as I can, but sometimes sugar is what I use. But if you choose unflavored yogurt, add whatever your flavor of choice is, I prefer a vanilla flavor, as do my kids, so I use vanilla extract.  I also try not to give my kids artificial sweeteners, but for myself I have no issues using them. What this all means is use what works for you.

Mix  yogurt and green food dye to get the color you desire.

And just so I don’t forget  those of you that are not into “Food Coloring”, just skip it. I know that there are a lot of varying opinions about the use of colors  in food, so if it’s not for you, please just don’t add it. But if you have something else that you might use instead,to give it a green color, please feel free to share what you used, so someone else can pick up on that tip!

You can pipe the shamrock shapes onto a sheet of wax paper that you place on top of a cookie sheet.

But first scoop the mixture into a decorating bag or a plastic baggie and snip the corner off. I made a bunch of swirls that resembled a shamrock, try a few different things to see what works for you! If you are not up to being creative, trust when I tell you my kids aren’t picky if they are only shaped like frozen blobs.

Stick them in the freezer for a a bit. I typically leave them in there for about an hour, which I have found is a good enough time. But since I’m not so great with remembering things and get so easily distracted by the other ten million things that I have to do each day, I actually left mine in the freezer overnight.I’m surprised my kids didn’t remind me a hundred times about them, because they are so very good about asking and reminding me of things they want that I constantly forget about. I like to say that the reason behind my general absent mindedness, is because I am a exhausted & foggy brained, more importantly outnumbered  mother of three. But I really believe that is an excuse that others identify with, and that is just who I am, and I’m cool with my scattered mind. Needless to say the next day they were perfectly frozen, you could even see all the little ice crystals in them.

My kids loved them and ate them all!! Best part is the cleanup is a breeze, which means more time to look for all the things I misplaced today!kid

Here are a few other versions you can try out….
Frozen Yogurt Carrot Bunny Bites
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt Bites


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