The Best Funny Moments of Our First Pandemic Summer

As August draws near the end. Hot humid nights are beginning to give way to cooler evenings. Copper toned leaves randomly pepper the yellowed lawn. Subtle signals that Summer of 2020 is drawing to an end, also signaling what should be the upcoming school year, which is normally a fun exciting time, but which byContinue reading “The Best Funny Moments of Our First Pandemic Summer”

The New Normal – Day 7 of Self-Quarantine

Corona virus, Covid-19… Two terms for one virus, that I never in a million years though would be the topic of everything and anything occuring in my daily life or the lives of others, but there it is and here I am. I’m not even sure why I am writing this or even what toContinue reading “The New Normal – Day 7 of Self-Quarantine”