Creamy Summer Squash with Sauteed Onions

I was the kid that ate all her veggies growing up. I was lucky enough to have my Mom’s garden available to me all summer long, so there was never a shortage of delicious home grown veggies. I have and always will love vegetables prepared in a variety of ways, but unfortunately my love ofContinue reading “Creamy Summer Squash with Sauteed Onions”

Parmesan Crusted Yellow Summer Squash {{Grain Free}}

If there is one thing I absolutely adore about the summertime, it’s the selection of fruits and vegetables available to my family locally. I do buy produce in the grocery store, but it has been my experience that often tie its hit or miss. I mean have you ever eaten a tomato for the groceryContinue reading “Parmesan Crusted Yellow Summer Squash {{Grain Free}}”

Chocolate Chip Cream Scones

I have been off the internet for about a week. My service was messed up and it took three technicians and a lot of customer service calls to get the “issue” resolved and for the moment it is. It’s funny what happens when access to the internet s denied, all these other things happen; likeContinue reading “Chocolate Chip Cream Scones”

Fun Twinkie Filled Cupcakes

Quick, easy and fun is how I like to do things these days. I had some leftover Vanilla cupcakes, so my daughter’s and I made some of these FUN and EASY Twinkie filled cupcakes. They are always looking to help me with whatever I am working on in the kitchen. Many things I just can’tContinue reading “Fun Twinkie Filled Cupcakes”

Frozen Yogurt with Fresh Berries & Cream {{Low Carb Option}}

It’s getting hotter and hotter as the Summer draws closer each day. I haven’t been spending much time in the kitchen because it’s hot enough without being in the kitchen with the oven on. I’ve also been avoiding baking due to the increase in my waist line from ALL my baking adventures through the winterContinue reading “Frozen Yogurt with Fresh Berries & Cream {{Low Carb Option}}”

Very Vanilla Cupcakes

Summer is technically here, in regards to the warmer weather anyways 🙂 I’ve been spending less and less time indoors in the kitchen and more and more time outside enjoying my days with all my kiddoddles. Because really, who wants to be in a hot kitchen when there are so many wonderful things to exploreContinue reading “Very Vanilla Cupcakes”

White Chocolate Raspberry Shortcakes

Fruit, fruit, fruit! But I’m not just talking apples and oranges here. I’m talking about the big, luscious, bright, vibrant berries filling up the display stands at the grocery store, assaulting my senses with their berilicious beauty. So what’s a girl to do. Pair it with something sweet of course and call it a day!Continue reading “White Chocolate Raspberry Shortcakes”

Overstuffed White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies

Sometimes I feel obnoxious and let that part of my character shine its not so sunny disposition onto the world around me. I am human so I assume that we all have our days of not so “wonderful”? Well I had one of those day recently and guess what happened??? I decided to make ridiculously obnoxious cookies toContinue reading “Overstuffed White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies”

White Chocolate Strawberry Frosting

I love cupcakes and for me along with cupcakes come frosting. Those two elements are the entire reason I started this whole blog in the first place. And who knew almost two years later where they would take me on this creative journey While there are some people that prefer one over the other, I like them both together.Continue reading “White Chocolate Strawberry Frosting”

Chili Bean Dip Bites

I‘m a lover of all things dippable(?) Be it savory or sweet, I’m all over it with one exception. I don’t love sharing my dip with a gazillion other people. You never know who is double dipping or where someones hands have been “before” they dipped. So to keep my love alive for the funContinue reading “Chili Bean Dip Bites”