Bunny Bites Frozen Yogurt

If you know me , then you may have seen these  little creations or these. Then you might have realized it would only be a matter of time, before I made another version. I can’t help myself, most of the time my brain just works like this! Some people think of making great architectural structuresContinue reading “Bunny Bites Frozen Yogurt”

Frozen Yogurt Pumpkin Bites

Finally it’s September! Which means cooler weather, the start of the change of seasons, falling leaves, jeans, back to school for the kiddies (mine go next week) and lets not forget the beginning of all thing pumpkin related With that said, it’s also still ridiculously hot here in New York so instead of offering youContinue reading “Frozen Yogurt Pumpkin Bites”

Frozen Yogurt with Fresh Berries & Cream {{Low Carb Option}}

It’s getting hotter and hotter as the Summer draws closer each day. I haven’t been spending much time in the kitchen because it’s hot enough without being in the kitchen with the oven on. I’ve also been avoiding baking due to the increase in my waist line from ALL my baking adventures through the winterContinue reading “Frozen Yogurt with Fresh Berries & Cream {{Low Carb Option}}”