Frozen Yogurt Pumpkin Bites

Finally it’s September! Which means cooler weather, the start of the change of seasons, falling leaves, jeans, back to school for the kiddies (mine go next week) and lets not forget the beginning of all thing pumpkin related

With that said, it’s also still ridiculously hot here in New York so instead of offering you a huge fat piece of pie slathered in whipped cream, I will make peace with the hot weather, not fight it and find compromise in these treats.

Frozen yogurt pumpkin bites. Win, win for all!!

If you are wondering if they are pumpkin flavored, they are not. But that does not mean that you can’t flavor them that way. I thought I would ease into the whole pumpkin everything season. My kids have a ball with these and love all the new versions of  frozen yogurt bites I come up with. And if I must mention…they eat them all. 
Now as a disclaimer I do not feed my children brightly colored bits of yogurt all day long, but I have figured out that it a food visually appeals to them,  they are more incline to try it when offered at another time…..uncolored and unshaped into fun seasonal treats. 🙂
This is what you will need to make them….
  • Greek Yogurt ( Flavored or plain your choice.)
  • Orange Food Coloring
  • Green Food Coloring
  • Wax Paper
  • Decorating bag or plastic baggie with the corner cut
  • Green Sunny Seeds of M&M’s (optional)
A small container of Greek yogurt, goes a long way and makes quite a few of these little pumpkins. So start off with one of those and go from there. You will need far more orange then green as well so split the yogurt into two containers in a ratio of  80% orange to 20% green. Add in your food coloring and mix it well.
Line a cookie sheet with wax paper. Fill your decorating bags with the two colors and start piping out the shapes. This is where you can get creative and make multiple shapes and sizes of pumpkin. Since they will be devoured in mere minutes I went with less creative and more practical and opted for the kidney bean shape.
After all the orange was done, I started adding in the stems. Just a little old blob of green will do.
Now because I am slightly insane and love to make things more difficult then they really ever have to be, I also added some green candies, you could use Sunny Seeds or even green M&M’s to some of the stems. 
Now just stick them in the freezer for about a half hour. They will be all sorts of crystal like when you take them out!
Peel them off of the wax paper and pile them into a little bowl and let your kids (or you) eat them up. They melt sort of fast, so they are not designed to sit and look pretty, they are meant for eating.

Hope you enjoyed my first “pumpkin” post of the season!!! See you again real soon!!

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