Mummy Poop and {{Free}} Printable

Wanna hear something super exciting?????? In less than five days I will get to hold my little man. I’m scheduled to deliver this Friday so I am super excited,  yet at the same time filled with the feeling that it’s not enough time to finish everything that needs to be done. But seriously, when do IContinue reading “Mummy Poop and {{Free}} Printable”

DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts- Home Made Butter Crunch

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I thought I would share some easy DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Valentine’s Day gifts. This will be the first in a series of Holiday Inspired DIY gift ideas Nothing is more special than a gift made with love from the kitchen……unless that is you have diamonds, or a new car, preferablyContinue reading “DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts- Home Made Butter Crunch”

How to Make Ice Cream Cone Cake Pops

Hope you all had a great holiday season and a Happy New Year. I don’t know about anyone else, but by the time New Years day arrives, I am SO OVER THE HOLIDAY season. All I want to do is to take down all the decorations I was dying to put up only a fewContinue reading “How to Make Ice Cream Cone Cake Pops”

Snickers Cake Pops

If you’ve been following the past few posts, I think it’s become overly obvious that I have been on a bit of a candy infused cake pop kick as of late. So because I never know when to stop, here is one more of my candy inspired Cake pop creations. For this particular one IContinue reading “Snickers Cake Pops”

Butterfinger Cake Pops

I have no problem admitting that I have become somewhat of a woman that is obsessed, not in the typical bad obsession way, but in the obsessed with creating way. If you’ve been following you’ve probably read all about the inspiration that came upon me with all my big bowl of annoying leftover Halloween candyContinue reading “Butterfinger Cake Pops”

Low Carb Rice Pudding

So I have been torturing myself making a whole array of sweet and delicious treats as of late. To protect myself from falling off the deep end into a sugar induced coma, I ship them out each day with my hubby on his way to work, and I let him and his crew be my taste testers.Continue reading “Low Carb Rice Pudding”

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Cake Pops

Now that Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is steadily approaching at a faster pace then I can handle, I keep wondering, ” Why oh why??” do I still have a huge bowl of Halloween candy sitting around patiently waiting for me someone to eat it. Truth is, my kids are still a bit too young to understand theContinue reading “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Cake Pops”

Delicious Dark Chocolate Butter Cream Frosting

I’m a vanilla person. Not in the sense of my personality, but in regards to flavor…..I like vanilla. From how I grew up it would seem natural that I would be a chocolate person, but I’m not. And what I mean by how I grew up, is simply….. Chocolate was everywhere. I though everyone hadContinue reading “Delicious Dark Chocolate Butter Cream Frosting”

Low Carb Minature Peanut Butter Pies

I have a secret, well not so much a secret as much as a confession on my part. I’m a sugar junkie….there…. I said it. Truth be told, if I start eating it, it takes a small act of God to get me to stop and while I’m waiting for this miracle to occur IContinue reading “Low Carb Minature Peanut Butter Pies”

Easy & Quick Chocolate Cookies

Some days I need a cookie fix quick….I mean really quick. Enter a super quick & easy chocolate cookie recipe, that is so simple you will doubt that it is really as good as I tell you… This is what you will need: 1 box chocolate cake mix (or whatever flavor you choose) 1 stickContinue reading “Easy & Quick Chocolate Cookies”