Low Carb Minature Peanut Butter Pies

I have a secret, well not so much a secret as much as a confession on my part. I’m a sugar junkie….there…. I said it. Truth be told, if I start eating it, it takes a small act of God to get me to stop and while I’m waiting for this miracle to occur IContinue reading “Low Carb Minature Peanut Butter Pies”

Peanut Butter Pie (Cupcakes) for Mikey

I came across a recipe a few weeks ago for creamy peanut butter pie. I rarely make pies, they just aren’t my thing, but this one jumped off the page at me because it was more than a recipe. You see, it was a pie for Mikey, who happened to be husband to blogger JennieContinue reading “Peanut Butter Pie (Cupcakes) for Mikey”