Creamy Summer Squash with Sauteed Onions

I was the kid that ate all her veggies growing up. I was lucky enough to have my Mom’s garden available to me all summer long, so there was never a shortage of delicious home grown veggies. I have and always will love vegetables prepared in a variety of ways, but unfortunately my love ofContinue reading “Creamy Summer Squash with Sauteed Onions”

Parmesan Crusted Yellow Summer Squash {{Grain Free}}

If there is one thing I absolutely adore about the summertime, it’s the selection of fruits and vegetables available to my family locally. I do buy produce in the grocery store, but it has been my experience that often tie its hit or miss. I mean have you ever eaten a tomato for the groceryContinue reading “Parmesan Crusted Yellow Summer Squash {{Grain Free}}”