3 + Free Lemonade Stand Printables

Lemonade Stand Free Printable


free lemonade stand printables

In this part of my neck of the woods, summer vacation will be coming to an end. In a few short weeks, I will be sending my two older girls back to school and my son to preschool for a few hours a day. This leaves me with my little one. I adore my kids and they are awesome to be around.

But my goodness four kiddos coming and going for a little over two months straight at every possible angle is pushing me into a psychosis of sorts.

I feel as though I live in the kitchen, everyday is a repeat of forty thousand breakfasts, lunches, dinners and DO NOT  forget snacks. As soon as I get the kitchen clean again, it is more the norm someone is barging back in looking for a snack, a drink….whatever.

It’s exhausting, in the best possible way ever.

Alas, I CAN’T wait to school starts, not because I don’t wan’t to be around my kids, but because I miss the routine of school and the schedule of things. Too much free time gets me in a tizzy. I think they function better in a set routine as I do to. When they (Me) know what to expect, they (I) just seem better adjusted.

Anyway, I promised my oldest daughter that we would do a lemonade stand this summer. And after her asking four hundred thousand times if “today” was the day to do it, I FINALLY found some time to create some fun, lemonade stand themed designs to help “boost” their business.

It was really a fun experience for them. They got along 70% of the time and the timing worked out perfectly, as the entire “stand” lasted as long as my littlest  guys nap! Things got more interesting and energetic as the neighborhood kids teamed up to “help” out.  I’m pretty positive that they  scared a few people with their sugared up screams of “LEMONADE.”

Thank goodness most people are good sports and stopped to buy a cup or two. The mailman  got quite a greeting as they all shoved overflowing cups of lemonade into his truck. He graciously took a cup from each of them, thanking them all profusely.

The whole shindig lasted about an hour or so and it and it made me realize that never again will I ever pass a lemonade stand and not stop and buy a cup. Plus they all made some ridiculous cash! It seriously made their day whenever a “customer” stopped on by! But the looks of disappointment when people zoomed on by was enough for me to feel upset as they did.

Since it was such a success, I though I would share the printables, so maybe you can have some fun with your kids and make some lasting summer memories!

Realizing the reality of the situation was three little kids selling lemonade, I made some quick, fun inspired signs. I did not want to spend hours creating a set up that I thought may last only a few minutes, based upon their moods in any given moment.

I made two signs both print out on standard US Letter sized paper which measures 8-1/2 x 11 inches, one is horizontal. (You can print from HERE)

The other is vertical. (You can print from HERE)

I also included a simple bunting, just for fun. (You can print from HERE)

The bunting was simple to assemble, just print,  cut and attach to some ribbon or string with tape, glue or whatever stickiness you may have on hand. (And if your home is filled with kids like mine, everything is sticky.)


The end result was better than I expected and I think it was just an overall simple, fun, filled experience for them.


They learned a little about money (that they want it all.)


And they learned about working with each other. As much as I thought it would be just another reason for the three of them to bicker and fight. It turned out to be a sweet summer filled afternoon that will remembered by them as well as myself. If you are interested in a customized version of this set,please feel free to CONTACT ME to discuss.

Thanks for dropping by!





If you would like to discuss customization of this set,please feel free to contact me to discuss custom options

Oompa Loompa Cupcake Toppers

Oompa loompa Cupcaketoppers

Oompa Loompa Cupcake Toppers..

Hey there strangers! Miss me??? I am hoping that by this fall, I might be up and posting a bit more on the regular. If I have not mentioned it before, which I am sure I have a million times; four kids ages 7 and under does not leave much time for anything else but chasing them and cleaning up in the wake of their messes.

With that said, 3 out of four will be in school come this fall, <insert happy dance> which means a bit more time to get back into the studio and more time available for designing. I have decided that I am going to start shipping some items, now that I have an ounce more of time, I can start to work from home again and I want to be able to offer more options. Starting with these little guys.

(My apologies but as of 2020 I am no longer offering the option to ship. But if you would like them shipped, please inquire with my through my shop as I do ship on a one to one basis.)

 They measure out to be a tad bit smaller then 3 inches in diameter, not including the stick.

These are such a great addition to any Willy Wonka themed party or event. I will slowly be adding in all of the wonderful themed items to be available assembled and shipped, but for now just these little guys will be doing the traveling.

For more info. please visit the Etsy shop HERE!!

Thanks for stopping by to visit, hope I will be seeing more of you soon!!

Christmas Tree Brownies- Quick and Easy

Life has been busy!Insanely, crazy, holy freaking moly, busy by me…How about you all???

 I never knew how any extra time I may have once had to squeak in some blogging or do some baking and crafting would be sucked away once my little guy became fully mobile.

And he is very mobile, vertically, horizontally and any which way in between. And did I mention curious and strong and always in the thick of it all.

Most days I am drowning in the insanity of finding balance in the middle of a lot of kids all with different wants needs and desires. Yet, I wouldn’t change any of it  for all the money in the world. Even though I also know that could probably provide me with daycare and someone else to watch and raise my kids….whatever.

 And with the arrival of my next little guy in less than eight weeks (Yes, if you did not already know, I am expecting again…lucky number four!!!)

So anything I make now, HAS to be quick and easy. Gone are my days of spending hours on edible food projects, that will have to wait for another point in time.

But since I’m talking about fast and easy lets talk about these festive holiday treats. Super fast and easy to make, they don’t require a ton of decorating know how.

Can you bake some brownies???Can you squeeze chocolate out of a bag?? Can you toss some sprinkles on top?? Then these are for you!!

Here what you will need to make them!!
  • Your favorite brownie recipe or boxed mix.
  • Chocolate candy melts.
  • Colored sprinkles ( Colorful Sunny Seeds look like colored lights if you want to use them!!)
  • Yellow M&M’s or candies to use as star on top.
  • Decorating bag or plastic zip lock baggie.
  • Wax paper or parchment paper.
Bake you brownies and let them cool. I used a double batch baked in a 9 x 13 pan. After the cooled I cut the brownies into triangle shapes like so…

Remember this is not an exact science..the above is just to illustrate how to get the triangular shapes. I’m sure there are better ways to cut them…but this way ensured that there would be “test” pieces we would have to try. Gotta make sure they taste good right!!!
Anyhoo…moving on. Place cut brownies on top of a piece of wax paper or parchment paper with the edges not touching.  Melt you green candy melts and place them in the decorating bag or plastic baggie and make a small cut at the tip.
Now drizzle the chocolate back and forth across each tree. Easy right!
Now strategically toss some sprinkles on top and place a yellow m&m or candy on top for the star.
Let them set and you are done…finished.
Pile them on a plate or wrap them in cello bags with a colorful ribbon
Now go play with the kids or sing some Christmas songs or sneak out to Starbucks for a well deserved coffee treat since these just saved you a ton of time!!

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Snow White Hershey’s © Printable Candy Wrapper Bars

Snow White Candy Bar Wrappers

Snow white free printable candy bar wrappers
If you have enjoyed any of my other Snow White party printables (which can be seen HERE) Then you will most likely LOVE the newest addition to the pack. Large Candy bar wrappers that will fit a standard size Hershey’s © chocolate bar!


There are three versions; a red striped, blue striped and yellow  with white polka dots.


I also created a few versions with the famous apple with three different patterns. A red striped, blue striped and a yellow with white polka dots. All to coordinate with the snow white image.



On the back of each wrapper is “Happy Birthday” that if need be can be personalized, just contact me to discuss custom options available.



They print out on a standard US Letter sized sheet which measures 8 1/2 x 11 inches  and can be printed at home or uploaded and printed through a local print shop. The files is available in  PDF form that print out on three separate sheets of paper, print as many as you like!

These work great as favors, such as thank you’s. But they can also be customized to be used as actual invitations or just personalized any way you would like. If interested please contact me to discuss!

You can download the wrappers HERE

Thanks and hope you enjoyed!!

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Minnie Mouse Birthday

It has come to that time of year when yet another Birthday is closing in fast, no not mine that already passed, but my daughter’s fourth birthday. Last year she requested a Rapunzel themed birthday. She talked about it for an entire year before it even happened and I had a great time putting all of the details together to give her a party she would be thrilled with.

This year though, she wants a Minnie Mouse party, a green Minnie Mouse birthday party. Since Green is her favorite color at the moment, it makes perfect logical sense to her that everything should now be green…..everything.

I started out designing her a simple invitation that conveyed the essence that is Minnie with her ever popular bow and made it green to keep the babes satisfied!

Now if some of you have  noticed I am not online the way that I used to be. This is because I’m at that stage with my kiddo’s where I am basically not allowed to do anything short of hang with them. If I do get to sneak off for a bit to do some side work, I am quickly reeled back into my role as Mom as shouts, screams and non-stop requests  of  “She hit me”, “She won’t share.”, “The baby is climbing”, “The baby took off his diaper.”, “Can I have some juice.”, “Can I have a snack.” keep me far to occupied to complete a whole though in my head, never mind create a blog post.

I want to be present for them in all things that they do cute and slightly annoying, so I make the choice to go and hang with them and do the things we do. But every once in a while they are fed, content and occupied long enough for me to re-visit this blog of mine, where  I can share some of my newer creations that I have been making.

With three kids at my heels most of the waking hours my main mission in life at this time is to keep things simple. Long gone are the days of me being able to find ample time to make wonderful edible creations, now I need to be smart and like I mentioned keep it simple.

Like the toppers I made for her party. I wanted to make all sorts of sugar creations with the ears and bows, but then I realized…..

#1- She’s four
#2- She doesn’t care if it’s made from fondant or paper.
#3- I’m the only one who will get nuts.
#4- As long as it’s green I could put crumpled paper on top of the cupcakes.

So I compromised with my need to be creative and and easier less painful method to keep the theme alive and created these toppers.

They are made to coordinate with the invitation.

 I was a lucky girl this past Christmas and the hubby purchased me a Silhouette Cameo Starter Bundle Kit , which allows me to now make a lot of cut items that I no longer have to hand cut.  I have a lot to learn as my designs are still very simple, but I am excited to see what I can come up with in time.
I made a green version, per the birthday girls request…

And because I always love a mixture of colors when it comes to decor I went with a pink bow as well.

When I showed m daughter the pink bow, she looked at me like I had somehow gone crazy and explained to me that “Pink is not her favorite color…green is.” I told her we would be using both at which she really emphasized to me how much that pink was not her favorite color 🙂

I will be making some other themed stuff to go along with the party, some stick toppers for the cake pops and such, which I will share when I am able to at a later date.

I will be offering these in my Etsy shop at some point in the near future, I just need to figure out some details. But I will offer them in  a variety of colors which can be seen here.

 A swatch like this is always a great resource because one can print it at home to see what the final resulting color will be. Different screens project slight variations in colors, so I like to be safer than sorry 🙂 If you are interested in purchasing these items please feel free to contact me directly. The cost for the toppers at this point would be in the range of $10.00 USD per dozen, plus the cost of shipping. Invitation price would depend on the amount needed.

I hope you enjoyed this post!!! Hopefully I will see you again sooner than later, because I have some really big news to share in the near future!!

Be well!!

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Veruca Salt Cupcake Toppers


Veruca Salt Cupcake Toppers

I can’t even believe that I am going to start this post with “When I was a kid.”

But here goes nothing……when I was a kid, TV  was a very different thing then it is today. Cartoons were reserved to two or three shows in the early mornings hours before school and maybe another one or two shows like Popeye, Woody Woodpecker and Scooby Doo after. And on Saturdays, well Saturday mornings were like a slice of Television heaven for kids. All morning they would play across a majority of the 13 channels, or something to that degree. But the one thing I remember te most about TV back then was how once a year a few family favorites would come on TV.

There were no DVR’s or movie channels, I don’t even think there was more than 12-13 channels, VCR’s had yet to be heard of in most American households. So you either saw what was shown or you had to wait until it played again the following year.

A year people, you would have to wait a whole freaking year to get your chance to see a movie. Us kids were at the mercy of the TV stations and our parents.

So when the commercials for the showing of these movies would begin airing about the TV waves. I paid attention. This was sort of a big deal…in my little world anyway. A few of my all time favorites were Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Wizard of Oz and who could forget the one and only Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Seriously, it was the thing dreams are made of. Candy bars with golden tickets, factories of candy, quirky food themed inventions and Mr. Wonka and his crazy self. It was a film that left a lasting impression in my mind as I am sure it did in so many others. It is also one of my most requested custom designs as people are ga ga over Willy Wonka inspired parties.

It was only a matter of time that I would begin creating the characters from the movie besides Mr. Wonka and his little Oompa Loompa friends, but since everyone loved them so much it was inevitable that the rest of them would follow suit.

Now if you have seen the movie, I am sure that you may remember the “Bad Egg” Veruca Salt. Boy was she a rotten, spoiled little girl. Always with her “I want it NOW.” So here she is in all her mean glory.  I created her with an additional topper that proclaims her “I want it NOW” trademark.  A perfect addition to any Willy Wonka themed party.

The topper come with five images per each 8-1/2×11 sheet of paper. It is suggested they are printed on a heavier card stock type of material.
They can be printed from home or uploaded and printed from a local printing shop. Print as many as you need.
You can purchase them through my Etsy shop which can be found HERE. They are available for instant download once payment is processed. For additional Willy Wonka Party themed goodies, please visit the Willy Wonka Party section of my shop HERE.


So what is you favorite movie??? Anyone else from my generation???

Thanks for reading along!!


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Everlasting Gobstopper Cupcake Toppers

Everlasting Gobstopper cupcake toppers

Everlasting Gobstopper cupcake toppers

You know what movie I LOVED as a kid???

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! I mean how could you not!!! A magical factory filled with quirky and fun inventions. And let’s not forget all of the fun crazy candy!! I’m sure I am not alone in this as it is my number one requested custom design.

So without further ado here is the latest addition into the shop.

Everlasting Gobstopper cupcake toppers!

hey were a bit of a challenge to design and I am thinking that is why it has taken me so long to actually create them, but I am so very glad that I did. They measure approx. 3 inches in height and width and are easy enough to cut. You can cut along the perforated line or right up against the edge, then just assemble by attaching onto lolly sticks or picks using tape or glue.

They come five to a sheet and you are able to print as many as you would like at home or through a printing service. (That’s always my pick.) An easy and fun way to add a bit more color and flavor to any Willy Wonka Themed party!

These are available for purchase and immediate download (once payment is processed) through my Etsy shop. You can find out more information in regards to purchasing them HERE. I will be adding quite a few more items and characters relating to Willy Wonka, so please keep up to date if these are the types of party items that interest you!

Here are some more Willy Wonka themed party items you might like…
Oompa Loompa Toppers
Oompa Loompa Favor Boxes

And as always if you are looking for something custom, please feel free to contact me to discuss design options!!

Ice Cream- You Scream for …..Cupcakes???

Ice Cream Party Cupcake wrappers

Ice Cream Party!!

Can you hear it? Can you smell it? It’s aaaaaallllllmost that time a year again, where i=the repetition sounds of chimes echo throughout the neighboring streets. The air is filled with the sweets smell of less routine, barefeet in the grass, lazy mornings and evenings running around outside.

Schools is out!!!!

Well, more appropriatly preschool is over in these parts anyway.  I’m not sure if there is anyother way to kick off the summer break without some ICE CREAM. As a bonus these are a less messy way in some ways. If your kids are like mine, ice cream means sweet dots of messy on the tips of there noses.

My daughter’s class was having a end of the year Ice cream party to celebrste all the hard work from teh past year and a nice fuin way to end the school year. I wanted to stick with the theme, but not make the party a major event of teachers cleaning up messy kids. So instead of ice cream, I made cupcakes and decorated them like Ice Cream sundaes and such, with the final addition of the wrappers

They are formatted to print out on a standard sheet US Letter sized sheet of paper that measures  8-1/2×11 inches. All you need to do it print, cut and assemble using glue or tape. *****Please note…These are not meant to be used to bake cupcakes in, these are a decoration that you can add to your cupcakes after they have been baked decorate your cupcakes accordingly!!

They are always a big hit and can be dressed up as much as you like. And since everyone has a different version of their favorite sundae. 

There are a few options, to please everyone, although I know that is halfway close to impossible, but I try 🙂 For those that are fans of the who;e Ice Cream Palour shop look I have also added a pink striped verison into the mix.

I am looking forward to addind some additional Ice Cream, party themed items to this mix, as it seems that Ice Cream is pretty much the equivalent with fun, and even more so when you make it a party.


The hot fudge sundae can be downloaded for free from HERE

The banana split can be downloadedfor free from HERE

The wafer cone wrapper can be downloadedfor free from HERE

The pink striped ice cream palour wrapper can be downloaded for free HERE

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the wrappers! Have a sweet summer!!







Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the wrappers! Have a sweet summer!!




Communion and Christening Candy Bar Wrappers

It’s almost that time of year again! You know, where Every. Single. Weekend is completely booked with religious occasions such as communions. I myself have three weekend filled with them as of right now, so I know that I’m not alone in this.

I’m completely aware that in no time at all my girls too an eventually baby boy, will be making their First Holy Communion and I will have to plan and prepare a celebration for afterwards. Which brings me to the topic of this weeks post,  which happens to be in about candy bar favors for such occasions or more specifically Communion Candy bar wrappers. I have sold these in my Etsy shop for some time now, but a of recently I have been getting a lot of requests for different colors, patterns etc. So I added a few options for people to be able to see.

The front of the wrapper has room for customization such as name and date of the event. The back of the wrapper offers options to include Church name, time, date, parents names and the Godparents names. If other information would like to added I am able to do that as well. Here are a few of the newer options I added….

These can be used as a favor for just about any religious event. So far the most popular ways they are used is Christenings and communions. A picture of the child is added and can be in black and white or color. Most if not all patterns can be colored to whatever you would like and if you do not see the pattern that you are looking for chances are I have in somewhere, so please if you don’t see if just ask me!
They print out on a standard sheet of 8-1/2×11 sheet of paper and come two wrappers per sheet. They can be printed at home or uploaded to a local print shop. Using the basic paper option (24lb) they cost as little as $0.79 per sheet which brings the cost of the wrapper to approx $0.30 per wrapper.
They wrap around a standard Hershey’s Bar, which  can be purchased at about $0.50 each. making the cost of the favor very feasible if you are working with a budget. And seriously folks, wouldn’t you be happier with a bar of yummy chocolate, than some of the favors I see floating about in the Internets, I know for me I do not need another crystal cut oval picture frame or a candy dish to shove into the closet of “Never Gonna Use” which also is slang for right in the trash can, I’m  just being honest! It’s just something to consider!
Either way I hope you enjoy and thank you for stopping by! If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments section of contact me through my Etsy Shop {{HERE}}
Thanks and keep creating!

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Easy Easter Cookies Adorable Bunnies & Carrots

I don’t know about anyone else, but lately I feel as though time has been getting away from me more and more. There ALWAYS seems to be some much to do and just never enough time. I figured that adding one more kid to the mix a little over a year ago, wouldn’t upset the running of our smooth engine (ha ha..) of a household, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Two kids, no big deal. Three kids…absolute insanity. I never realized how unraveled everything could get being twisted and pulled like a piece of taffy ALL DAY LONG.

Never the less things I used to have time for, I just don’t anymore. So when I do make something, it needs to be quick, easy and of course fun! I volunteered to make the cookies for my daughter’s preschool class, because I haven’t made anything in a bit and I was feeling the desire to get in the kitchen and create.

Miniature colored dough bunnies and carrots cookies


I’m not sure how other Mom’s out there in the world balance kids, a relationship and all the other things that life blesses us with, but for me I had to let go of some of my passions in order to give my children the attention that not only they need, but which they deserve. What that means for this brief moment in time is letting go of trying to make sufficient time to create elaborate decorated cookies, cupcakes, cakes and cake pops. Because try as I might, I am unable to balance that act of doing time intensive creations and  caring for my kids properly.

Let me just add that the little guy is such a PIA , a cute one though and right now and is into EVERYTHING, so until that level of curiosity can be tamed as his independence grows, my stuff needs to be put on a shelf for the meantime figuratively and literally. I may moan about it at times, but overall it’s really fine because I love hanging with my peanuts, they’re awesome. I have also found other things to fill in the tiny cracks of time I find throughout the day, which quells that need to constantly create for now.

But when I do decide to be creative in the kitchen, playing it smart counts for everything. I’ve come to realize and embrace that the abundant plate that life has given me at this point in my life always borders on being full, so there is little to no room for outer distractions or extra time intensive work. Which brings me to these cookies. Quick, easy, fun to make and especially eat, they were a hit among the kids and teachers alike.

colored dough carrot cookies for easter

 When I started making these I had one idea in mind, but since I had dough left over I made a whole bunch of goodies. And they all started with theses bad boys.

Large chocolate cookies with colored dough carrots

 Simple round scalloped cookies with colored dough piped on them to look like carrots. They bake together and prep and clean up is super fast….like really super fast.


This is what you will need….

  • Chocolate Sugar Cookie Dough
  • Vanilla Sugar Cookie Dough
  • Orange and Green Gel Food Coloring
  • Decorating Bags
  • Cookie Cutters in whatever shape you like
  • Food safe markers (black)
  • Large round pink sprinkles

Now for cookies I have to admit I use two recipes that I myself did not create. I exclusively use two sugar cookie roll out recipes from LilaLoa. Her End-All for Chocolate Cookies and Vanilla 2.0 Cookie recipes are hands down the best and since trying them out, never found another reason to even try another recipe. So if you are needing or wanting to try new cookie dough recipe these are it. They bake perfectly every time and seriously don’t spread at all. ( Have I mentioned how much I LOVE theses recipes???)

Anyhooooo, You can begin by coloring some of the vanilla sugar cookie dough with the food coloring.

Colored dough decorated carrot cookies


 A little of this goes a very looooong way so make an appropriate amount for your baking needs. Start by adding a little water to the cookie dough and mixing it up, so that it becomes very soft and will be easy to pipe out of a decorating bag onto the cookie. But do not add so much water that it becomes liquid like, you just want it to have semi soft peaks. When you get it to the desired consistency add in a few drops of food color to achieve the color you want. Then repeat this process for the second color. Bag the mixture into a decorating bag and just place it to the side for a minute. I the meantime roll out an cut your cookie shapes. 

When all your dough is rolled and paced on a baking sheet you can start adding the carrots. I practiced a bit on a piece of wax paper first to see how I wanted to make them.

colored dough practice carrot cookies


I started with the actual carrot first. Just a bunch of zig zaggy lines.

pipe colored dough carrots onto cookie


And then I added the greenery on top. Just a bunch of vertical wavy lines worked perfectly.

greenery carrot top cookies


And then I baked those dad boys up!

Colored dough carrot cookies easter


Remember when I told you not to add too much water???? Well in these guys case I sort of overdid it 🙁 But you can get better lines like I did on these carrot cookies I made last year , but only if you keep the consistency a bit tighter. These were for a bunch of three and four year old, so I’m pretty positive they didn’t care about the loss of detail on my cookies as much as I did.

Either way I had so much fun making them (and my kids did too!) that I made a whole bunch of miniature versions as well! I just used a whole bunch of scalloped mini cutters I had, I believe Wilton makes them.

mini carrot cookies easter colored dough


And then because these were so fast and easy, my mind started wandering and I figured I better add in some bunnies to the mix, so those carrots would not go to waste!!! Makes sense right????

mini bunny cookies for easter

 For the bunny noses I just used large pearl Sprinkles these were also a Wilton product. I added them before I baked them ad they held there shape perfectly. I drew on the eyes and the whiskers using a food safe pen, the brand I use is Food Doodler, but Wilton also makes them.

easy miniature bunny cookies for easter

 Just wait until the cookie has cooled before drawing any details or else it will be too soft the draw upon. And then you have an army of sorts of mini bunnies and carrots!

MIni bunny and carrot colored dough cookies

 The larger cookies I shipped of to the students of preschool and the minis were packaged up and sent as gifts for the teachers, who never fail to ask me if by chance I baked anything for the party 🙂 You just can’t buy great tasting cute cookies made with fresh ingredients, things like this have to be created from the love of baking!

I do hope you enjoyed this post, feel free to pin away so others can see how easy these are!!


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These are some of the items used in making the cookies in this post.
(Affiliate links, a small compensation will be received if purchased.)