Miniature Chocolate High Hat Cupcakes

My brother is moving to to another state at the close of this weekend, so to honor his departure and to wish him and his wife many blessings on this new exciting chapter of their lives together, both sides of the family got together to wish them both off on this new venture.

I love non-occasion desserts meaning I could choose what I wanted to make, instead of fulfilling a request of sorts; which brings me to these little pieces of deliciousness I decided upon….

High hat cupcakes

But a miniature version of them. I had first seen them on Bakerella’s site and I made them using the recipe I found on Martha Stewart’s site. (Although the recipe is originally from the book Cupcakes! by Elinor Klivas)

From the moment I saw those chocolate dipped peaks, filled with marshmallowy goodess….I had to make them!!

I decided to go miniature, because I felt as though they would be easier to handle when dipping them into the chocolate, which they were and in all honesty I love bite sized deserts

This is what they looked like prior to being dipped in chocolate…lovely mounds of soft, sweet marshmallow.

I made chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, since I felt the high hat would taste delicious with both flavors…This is what they looked like inside after being dipped. I was a bit messy with cutting it in half so forgive me for the bad picture. But just so you get the idea….


They were super good, but very sweet. The marshmallow filling was a bit too sweet for even my tastes, so I will probably try to come up with a different version of them the next time I make them. I’m very glad I went with the miniature version, since a whole regular sized cupcake may have been too much.

This is them all snuggled up together prior to making the trip to the party 🙂


Darth Cupcakes

Star Wars is sort of a big deal in my house.

Well, I believe it’s a big deal in a lot of people homes, almost everyone I know can identify with one character or another on some level. I tend to go for the Hans Solo type..outsider, rule breaker, the one that doesn’t so what has everyone else says her must….and he still succeeds.

But I digress, a friend had asked me to make these for her nephew, who happens to be a big, big, BIG fan of Star Wars and a bigger an of Darth Vader.

I can never turn down a kid with a love of Star Wars, so I created these Cupcakes for his birthday…

They were super difficult to do, in that he is ummmmm, all black. So at the very least it was a challenge of sorts to figure out how to make an accurate representation of him, in other shades besides black.

It’s a standard yellow cupcake with dark chocolate frosting, dusted in black sanding sugar….Think deep dark space, stars, warp speed, battles between good and evil 🙂

On the top of each cupcake is a sugar topper that I made using royal icing.

I think overall they came out pretty good, given more time I believe I could have made them even better…but I’m sure I’ll get another shot at them, being that my own nephew is a HUGE fan as well!

So who is YOUR favorite character…please feel free to share!!

And may the force be with you on this hot summer Sunday!!!


Hula Girl Cake

My youngest daughter celebrated her first birthday this weekend. I was going to make an assortment of hula girl cupcakes and was tossing around a few ideas with pineapples and palm trees. But when planning a huge bash, such as hers turned out to be, my focus was not on simply just cupcakes; but all the aspects of planning a party.

So in the end I decided to just make a hula girl cake…….

I also made an assorted bunch of vanilla and chocolate cupcakes quickly frosted in a variety of bright colors….

I also made a bunch of other delectable delights but I will focus on them in another post!!!

At the end of the party, there was not a crumb left of anything….I love that, because it means I did my job and I did it well!!!

Miniature Sesame Street Cupcakes

I made these for my Daughter’s 2nd birthday party. We had decided on a Sesame Street theme, so naturally I HAD to make the sesame street characters into cupcakes. If you would like to make these you can check out the tutorials by following the links below.

Since the majority of children that would be there were five and under I choose to make them miniature cupcakes, reason being I didn’t want to be the parent that all the other parents glared at for having their child covered in colored frosting.

I had a ball making them, I just wish I had more time, because if you haven’t noticed…. poor Oscar is missing his furrowed brow. All in all though, they were a huge success and not one was left over after the party had ended…both the parents and the kids gobbled them all up!

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Sunflower Cupcakes
Darth Vader Cupcakes
 Hello Kitty Cupcakes
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