Eight Awesomely Oversized Willy Wonka & Oompa Loompa Party Decorations

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Oversized printable decorations. Instant Download, Print at Home!!

Damn Delicious Dark Chocolate Butter Cream Frosting

I like frosting. It’s actually one of my most favorite parts of any cake or cupcake. It is also a make t or break it type of deal thing when it comes to any cake based dessert for me. I like smooth, creamy, sweet, flavorful frosting and I like butter…end of story. I never useContinue reading “Damn Delicious Dark Chocolate Butter Cream Frosting”

2 Fun & Easy Wonka Party Printable Decorations

  Willy Wonka  and the Chocolate Factory written by Roald Dahl had to be one of my favorite stories as a child. I mean who could resist a story of such sweet proportions and incredible fantasy. Needless to say it was probably where my love affair with fun inspired treats emerged. Oh the possibilities!! ButContinue reading “2 Fun & Easy Wonka Party Printable Decorations”

Chocolate Caramel Pecan Cookies and a New Opportunity!!

I have a confession to make to you all. I tricked you. In a good way if that makes any sense. I figured me telling you all about a new opportunity I have been invited to participate in wouldn’t entice you as much as my deliciously yummy chocolate caramel pecan cookies would. So essentially whatContinue reading “Chocolate Caramel Pecan Cookies and a New Opportunity!!”

Colorful Cannoli Dip for New Years

I will probably say this every year, but I cannot believe that another year has come and is almost gone. I think that time has sped up since I started having kids. With that said, 2013 has been a great year for both myself and all my loved ones. I learned a lot bout myselfContinue reading “Colorful Cannoli Dip for New Years”

Colorful Confetti Cannoli Dip

I will probably say this every year, but I cannot believe that another year has come and is almost gone. I think that time has sped up since I started having kids. With that said, 2013 has been a great year for both myself and all my loved ones. I learned a lot bout myself and learnedContinue reading “Colorful Confetti Cannoli Dip”

Rainbow Cookies

Years back just a few small steps in to my new life living clean and drug free, I had found a job in a bagel/bakery/cafe type of place. I made the worst money ever, but it was the biggest stepping stone to self sufficiency on my journey of recovery. It taught me to value theContinue reading “Rainbow Cookies”

Gingerbread House of Cards Collaboration

For years now my sisters and I have gathered at my Mothers house around this time of year to decorate gingerbread houses. For a while it was me with my nieces and nephew, as my sisters both had their kids a bit earlier than me. But for the past few years I have been fortunateContinue reading “Gingerbread House of Cards Collaboration”

Cinnamon Roll Drop Cookies with Cream Cheese Glaze

I have been meaning to switch over to this site fully for a long, long time. But life happens as it always does and other things got in the way. But I am going to “try” to post more on here rather then continuing to post on the original MightyDelighty site. And when I mentionContinue reading “Cinnamon Roll Drop Cookies with Cream Cheese Glaze”

Cinnamon Roll Cookies with Cream Cheese Glaze

I’ve been up my eyeballs in cookie lately. Life always seems to happen like that for me, things will be uneventful and all sorts of smooth and then without warning, a whole bunch of stuff just shows up on my doorstep one morning smiling with coffee all set to overwhelm me. That is what theContinue reading “Cinnamon Roll Cookies with Cream Cheese Glaze”