Baby Bird Nest Cookies

I can’t wait until the spring arrives! I am SO over being stuck in the house with three kiddos. I know I am creative and all, but there are only so many indoor activities that can be done, before one just starts seriously craving fresh air and sunshine, like junkie craving their next fix. OkayContinue reading “Baby Bird Nest Cookies”

Da’ Bomb or Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie Bombs

 I NEED to share these with you now as it’s important….really important. Chocolate brownie peanut butter BOMBS…. Now before you roll your eyes in that “Oh, just another cake ball recipe” way. Let me explain to you that cake balls these are NOT.   These are awesome deliciousness dipped in chocolate…like a sweet nectar of yum from the GodsContinue reading “Da’ Bomb or Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie Bombs”

“Swoon” Worthy Strawberry White Chocolate Frosting

I love cupcakes and for me cupcakes are synonymous with frosting. Those two very elements are the entire reason I started this whole baking journey of mine a few years ago. While there are some people that prefer one over the other, I like them both together. I also prefer butter based frostings that are creamy, not overly sweet, and smooth onContinue reading ““Swoon” Worthy Strawberry White Chocolate Frosting”

Create a little LOVE this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is upon us yet again! This is a  holiday that celebrates the most wonderful thing that we are able to show in so many ways. Although I love to jump on the bandwagon and make fun treats and such for all holidays, there are meanings behind all that I do, that sprout first fromContinue reading “Create a little LOVE this Valentine’s Day”

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies with Filling

Sometimes I feel obnoxious and let that part of my character shine its not so sunny disposition onto the world around me. I am human so I assume that we all have our days of not so “wonderful”? Well I had one of those day recently and guess what happened??? I decided to make ridiculously obnoxious cookies toContinue reading “White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies with Filling”

Peas Be Mine Valentine’s Day Printable

I happen to be slightly “crunchy” when it comes to what my kids eat, although certain contents of this blog may suggest otherwise. Some of you may not know but I was/am one of those breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping, make my own organic baby food types of Mama’s. Even now as they are older IContinue reading “Peas Be Mine Valentine’s Day Printable”

Will You Peas Be My Valentine????

Need a fun easy Valentine or just feel like you may want to torture you children with embarrassment??? Then send them to their Valentine’s day parties with fistful’s of these! I’m sure the other parents will think your wonderful thinking about the health of their children and the think of how excited the kids willContinue reading “Will You Peas Be My Valentine????”

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies for Valentines Day

I love a good combo, especially one that begins with peanut butter and end with chocolate. Add in some fun Valentine’s Heart chocolates and you have a great cookie for the big day of “LOVE” Now to take these to a new level wrap them in some fun and festive ways and you  have youselfContinue reading “Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies for Valentines Day”

Chocolate Banana Bear Bites

I have been stuck inside the house for a few days with the kids. Lots of snow and overall “not fun” slushy cold, wet weather has been happening  quite a bit lately so I am hesitant to drag three kids out of the house. With that said the kids and I have becoming more than aContinue reading “Chocolate Banana Bear Bites”

Heirloom Cookie Sheet Giveaway

I’ve been a bit more distracted from blogging/baking/playing around mindlessly on facebook as of late than normal, reason being that I met with a nutritionist about a month ago who suggested I try a lower calorie diet to battle my after kid bulge that despite my best efforts will not go away. I have madeContinue reading “Heirloom Cookie Sheet Giveaway”