Triple Stacked Toasted Tortilla Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

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It’s May!

Holy moly where has the time flown away to???

I will be 39 years old this month, on Mother’s Day if you must know!

I swear I was just in my twenties totally wasting my life away in New York City and suddenly **POOF** here I am with three kids, a husband, a household to up keep and a whole other laundry list of responsibilities I never thought I would be responsible enough to ever have!

I ‘m assuming that’s how it happens to everyone right???

Well that’s how it happened for me anyway. Because I really, really, really thought by the time I was this age, I would somehow find myself as a more mature, seasoned version of myself. Maybe wearing a stylish yet serious dark blue stuck in some sort of stuffy business meeting.

But no, I’m still loud, a space cadet 90% of the time, still laugh at the most inappropriate times, wear sneakers and yoga pants and find myself feeling out of sorts on most days on this path of life I’ve chosen to travel.

I know that is a lot to think about and way to much to handle and ponder upon, so let’s get back to silly, light and simple.

 Like Peanut Butter and Jelly simple……with  a Mighty Delighty twist of course 🙂

PB& J with a glass of cold milk has to be my ultimate comfort food and carries such a strong connection to memories of my childhood. And if you know anything about me by this point, I like to mix it up a bit for the kiddos. Keeps me entertained and them fed. They get bored with the same thing over and over, so I try to think a little off center and slightly to the right in order to make lunchtime more of a fun time for them.
My kids call these Peanut Butter and Jelly Pizza’s and that is probably better than my ridiculously long title, but I like to confuse things and over complicate…so I’m sticking to my title!
These are easy to make and the kids love them, so try it with your little ones and let me know how they like them!
This is what you will need..
  • Mission Soft tortillas
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly of your choice.

So easy!!

Lay two tortillas on a baking sheet under the broiler for a few minutes. This will make more than enough to feed to small kids, you can add more of you prefer!
You want them slightly crisp but still able to flex, so keep an eye on them. A few minutes should suffice.
Let them cool for a minute or so before you start cutting them.
When they are cool enough to handle, use a pizza cutter or a very sharp knife to half them and then quarter them. You could leave them whole and assemble then cut, but I find it easier to cut them when they are smaller. Plus there is less squish that comes out of the sides, unless you like the squish and then by all means go for for it.

Start layering each piece with jelly then the next layer with peanut butter.

Then stack them together.

With a sharp knife cut them in half again, so you have fun little triangles. Serve and enjoy with a nice cold glass of milk!
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