Tinkerbell Birthday Party Invitation

There is this curly haired girl blocking my entrance into the kitchen, demanding sweetly with wide doe eyes that more goldfish be put in her pink cupcake adorned snack cup. This is nothing new as it happens daily, with  three different kids. But for some reason this time make me stop in my mechanical robot Mom motions. I realize that this little girl, this little person in front of me, the very one standing and demanding is my first baby girl, who in fact is no long a baby as she will be five next month!


What the what!! I’ve read and listened to other parents tell me about this moment on  line at the grocery store, that realization that their babies are growing up. I just thought that it would happen in a more memorable, drama filled,  movie like way. Where there would be butterflies and rainbows and puffy clouds and we would all be dressed in matching outfits and maybe ere would be soft music playing somewhere. But no, it happened just like any of the other moments in my life as a Mom and as soon as it happened the next moment rushed in pushing us forward in time.

When she was a baby I remember getting up a thousand and three times throughout the night to sooth her and her never, ever napping during the day like I “believed” babies were supposed to. It seriously seems like just a few weeks ago when we were there in that stage of crazy no sleep mama & baby. But that was five years ago and in between that time she has grown into ash blonde, brown eyed, banana joke telling, copy cat funny girl, who gives the sweetest hugs when they are needed the most and can chat up anyone, anywhere like they have known each other their whole lives.

Which I m aware in her case five years, but whatever, you get the idea

When I decided that this year would be the year to really begin planning her party early, I started asking her what kind of party she wanted and without missing a beat she proclaimed, “I want a Tinkerbell Fairy Party!”

I can get down like that and  I guess she likes fairy’s because last year she was all about the fairy monkey princess party. She discovered that idea off of her favorite nightgown. For this year though  I have a pinterest board filling up with ideas that I plan to use to inspire a wonderful birthday party for her on a budget. (If you have some great thoughts or pins you would like to add, message me and I will add you as a pinner!)

And yes I just said he “B” word, no not THAT word, the other one BUDGET. Because if you know me then you know I love finding cost effective ways to create fun themed parties. And much of that comes from my own ability to create, which also brings me to the inspiration point of her party…her invitation.

Let me first say I love Disney. I love all their characters and the inspiration they create. But when it comes to creating designs, I like to have to creative control over my own creations. I have also found that at this stage my daughter like what I make, so it works.  I stayed in line with some of the colors that Tinkerbell is associated with, mainly green, but so I don’t get stuck with a specific range of colors I added in yellows, pinks, and blues.

Like most of my other character designs, I made her with an over sized decor on her head, this one happens to be a bow, much like the Snow White Character I designed a while back. I tend to over extend it so that it needs to be cut out from the invitation itself, her wing also peeks out! Personally I think it adds a little extra flair to the invitation!

Originally, I also made her little foot stick out too, but I think I will fit it back onto the invitation because it makes cutting that side of the  invitation perfectly and neurotically (me) straight a bit more of a challenge. As I am sure you can see from my less stellar cutting job in the picture. This is what the rest of the party will spring forth from and I can’t wait to start sharing all of the other things I am creating and planing!!!

Have you every attended a Tinkerbell or Fairy party? Do you have any decor or food  ideas you want to share??? Please feel free to leave a comment and share, I can use all the help I can get!!

Happy creating!!

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