How to Make Hello Kitty Cupcakes

–> My two year old has recently fell in love with “Hello Kitty”. If she is to spot one randomly about, a sudden squeal of high pitched enthusiasm erupts from her pint sized self, as she points and repeatably squeaks…..”Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.”  Needless to say she likes Hello Kitty, and why wouldn’t she? HerContinue reading “How to Make Hello Kitty Cupcakes”

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops

My better half, absolutely loves chocolate and peanut butter, so for his big five year anniversary in our fellowship, he requested Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops for the big celebration. I am assuming that whoever coined the phrase “..a match made in heaven” must have meant chocolate and peanut butter, because these are two flavorsContinue reading “Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops”

Delicious Peanut Butter Frosting Recipe (the best)

I love and I mean L.O.V.E peanut butter, to the point of where I will eat it straight from the jar. I know, I know gross…unless you too also LOVE peanut butter 🙂 So it goes that I naturally adore a good Peanut Butter Frosting. Now this one is tried and true of which IContinue reading “Delicious Peanut Butter Frosting Recipe (the best)”

How to make Monster High Skullette Cupcakes

I have been getting a few inquiries on the Monster High Cupcakes I had made a while back, so I thought I would share with you all how I made them. I’ve also recently made varied versions of the skullettes into cookies which you can read  about {HERE} and I also made a skullette cake popContinue reading “How to make Monster High Skullette Cupcakes”

WWE John Cena Championship Belt Cake

This past weekend not only did we celebrate Labor Day,  but for my family we also celebrated Tim’s cousin turning 21 with a surprise birthday party. I was asked to make him a cake, but not just any cake, a WWE John Cena Championship wrestling belt cake. Now, I am always up for a creativeContinue reading “WWE John Cena Championship Belt Cake”