Chocolate Banana Bear Bites

I have been stuck inside the house for a few days with the kids. Lots of snow and overall “not fun” slushy cold, wet weather has been happening  quite a bit lately so I am hesitant to drag three kids out of the house. With that said the kids and I have becoming more than aContinue reading “Chocolate Banana Bear Bites”

Miniature Rainbow Pancakes with Sweet Maple Cream Cheese

To view this post correctly please click {{HERE}} Hey Ho it’s Friday! Which means for some of you it’s the beginning of the weekend and the end of another work week. I’m a Mom to 3 little ones, so there is no sleeping in for me. But the hubbers is home and it is much more relaxedContinue reading “Miniature Rainbow Pancakes with Sweet Maple Cream Cheese”

Mighty Perfect Pancakes

If you didn’t already know today is pancake day. Yes, really there is a pancake day! And I’m sure none of you know this juicy little tidbit about me but I’m a pancake snob! What, you never heard of a pancake snob???? Before you start judging and rolling your eyes, let me explain a bit.Continue reading “Mighty Perfect Pancakes”